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Item #1442454 Model #20639839

Alliance The Front Bottoms - Talon of the Hawk Standard


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Release Date:05/21/2013;Notes:Talon of the Hawk is the second studio album by American rock band The Front Bottoms, released on May 21, 2013 on Bar/None. The album's title is partly inspired by the character, Hawk, from the television series, Twin Peaks. Vocalist and guitarist Brian Sella stated: "I have this thing with pocket knives I think they're kind of cool. I was sitting in the van and drew this pocket knife. My girlfriend and I were watching Twin Peaks, and there's this police officer on the show that's called Hawk. I thought it was a badass nickname. So on the picture with the pocket knife, I wrote underneath it "Talon Of The Hawk, " just because it popped into my head and thought it was kind of cool. As it was getting close to the time we needed to make a decision on the album name, I found the picture with the pocket knife that I had drawn in the van coming back from recording. I just said the name and everyone kind of just agreed, and that's how it came up.";Track List:1. Au Revoir (Adios);2. Skeleton;3. Swear to God the Devil Made Me Do It;4. Twin Size Mattress;5. Peach;6. Santa Monica;7. The Feud;8. Funny You Should Ask;9. Tattooed Tears;10. Lone Star;11. Backflip;12. Everything I Own;Special Attributes:DIGITAL DOWNLOAD CARD