Transformer-based mic preamp/passive EQ for API 500 Series.
The CARTEC PRE-Q5 is a high-quality, transformer-based microphone preamp for the API 500 series format that incorporates a passive inductor equalizer, and a balanced output attenuator. The filter circuit is identical to the CARTEC EQP-1A, but with the extra gain stage and transformers required to create a high-performance preamplifier. The output transformer is followed be a fully balanced stepped attenuator (constant impedance T-pad) to allow saturation of the output transformer while controlling the output level (allowing you to really drive the PRE-Q5 without clipping the next item in your signal chain). In combination with the High/Low frequency EQ, this gives the Pre a lot of tonal variety without any complicated circuitry or added phase distortion. Just a nice simple featured Preamp with a classic vibe. The Line level switch allows all of the features to be used both during tracking and mixing. You could send pre-recorded material to the EQ section or use the combination of the EQ and transformer saturation to enhance synths or any existing sounds.