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Item #1586640 Model #TUBESESSOR1

Heritage Audio Optical Tube Compressor Standard


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An optical tube compressor with dynamic control.

Heritage Audio’s optical tube compressor is perfect for when you need natural, dynamic control but occasionally want to spice up your tone. It’s generally considered to be warmer than VCA and FET designs, and tends to provide a very pleasant, smoother result. It’s a preferred choice for seasoned engineers and producers that want transparent control over a signal while offering a hint of enhancement while keeping true to the original tone.

Analog excellence is achieved by combining a tube-based amplification stage with an outstanding UTC A10 input transformer replica by AMI, as well as a custom all-silicon steel output transformer. Dynamic control is easily obtainable, even with generous amounts of gain reduction being applied anything processed, it still maintains clarity and depth. The three-unit high front panel has plenty of room to adjust the large Herchild-style knobs, making it a breeze to achieve the desired sound.

The innovative tube saturation section takes full advantage of a creamy sounding NOS Raytheon double-triode tube to add in just a pinch of aggression or fully transform the signal into something ready for war. It works in tandem with the custom output transformer to produce the right harmonic content. There are 4 available settings that vary from classic, no saturation, all the way to hot, a heavily treated signal. Thanks to Heritage Audio’s use of an audiophile-grade Psvane dual output triode in a totem pole configuration, a solid output stage is guaranteed while allowing much higher headroom than other tube compressors, whether vintage or modern. 

There are also five internal sidechain filter settings to choose from. Two of the options make sure the compressor is not being unfairly overpowered by lower frequencies and the other three are frequency specific options for extra creativity.

Continuously adjustable attack and release controls in addition to a fixed mode provide all the necessary settings possible, allowing you to mold your signal exactly as you'd like. An attractive VU meter for monitoring either Input, Output or Gain Reduction guarantees you’ll always be informed to achieve a top-notch professional recording.