A Mono 500-series Class-A compressor and gate with analog control and tone.
The N90 doubly functions as a compressor and gate with a Class-A circuit design to deliver an “musical”, analog quality to any audio signal processed through it. It was designed with a tasteful approach to compression that is influenced by compressors from 20 years ago. Though the N90 can be pushed to offer up wonderful sonic artifacts, it truly excels at the delicate craft of transparent, musical dynamic control and gating.
Though its elaborate in appearance, the N90 is intuitive to use with its gradual and progressive control circuit—especially given that its a solid-state compressor. Gain reduction begins well below, and continues beyond, the threshold, so you'll never hear a sudden "grabby" change in dynamics. Instead, you'll easily dial in fluid dynamic control while simultaneously picking up the rich, lush tone of the N90's discrete Class-A circuit.