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Item #1596279 Model #72TLLPG-SMTH-G-BKNB-

920d Custom 72 Thinline Tele Loaded Pickguard With Gold Smoothie Humbuckers and Black Knobs Black Pearl


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Upgrade your sound.
The Loaded Pickguard for '72 Thinline Telecasters has everything you need to give your guitar a massive upgrade. Everything is pre-wired and ready to go, so once you get your package, your guitar will sound better than it ever has.

PAF - or "Patent Applied For" humbuckers are considered the holy grail in the guitar world, and 920d Custom's Smoothie Humbuckers nail the PAF tone. The neck pickup is a little lower in output, and the bridge pickup is a little higher, around DC Resistance 7.2k and 7.8K ohms, respectively. The pickups are well balanced and dialed in to such a degree that you'll find yourself well on your way to legendary tone status for rock 'n roll history.