The opening measured of Clare Grundman's A Finnish Rhapsody are base on Oi kallis Suomenmaa (O Blessed Fatherland), an old South Bothnian melody beloved of the whole Finnish nation. The words of this song epitomize each Finn's noblest duty, the readiness to sacrifice all in defense of his country's liberty. Next is an episode based on Kesäilta (Summer Evening), one of the loveliest of Finnish folk songs, being as delightfully tranquil as the Finnish countryside. Following this is a section based on the lively folk tune, Talon Tyttö (The Country Lass), a mirthful love song about a peasant maid and her swain. This leads into the majestic Finlandia Hymn, created by Jan Sibelius. The work closes with the return of Oh, Blessed Fatherland, with all its strength and grandeur. (5:30)