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Item #1566480 Model #4088-DC-A-B34-LH

DPA Microphones 4088 CORE Directional Headset Microphone with Mini-Jack Connector for Sennheiser Wireless Black


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A feedback-fighting headset microphone with excellent off-axis rejection.
The 4088 CORE Directional Headset Microphone with mini-jack connector for Sennheiser Wireless from DPA Microphones provides excellent off-axis rejection in high-SPL situations. It efficiently suppresses distant sound sources making it ideal for demanding live performance environments where background noise and feedback are concerns. In high-SPL events, or when feedback is a concern, this microphone will tackle these challenges with ease. The bass response is designed for optimal linearity at 1 in. from the sound source. This means that the bass roll-off will be relatively prominent at a greater distance, which is a paramount factor when it comes to rejection of background noise and in the fight to avoid feedback.