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Item #1395884 Model #50497692

Ricordi 20th Century Italian Composers (Volume 2 Violin and Piano) MGB Series Softcover Standard


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Seven works by Rossellini, Cilea, Principe, Petrassi, Alfano, and Ferrari-Trecate. Includes pull-out violin part. The first work in Volume II, by Renzo Rossellini, is a straightforward slow movement in 6/8, reminiscent of a lullaby...Two works by Remy Principe include In The Woods of Ritten, a combination molto perpetuo and advanced-level etude, and The Small Square (as in village square), subtitled Homage to Manuel de Falla. This lovely vivace showpiece begins with a glissando on the A string followed by a descending pattern with turns on the E string, rapid-fire double stops, and left and right hand pizzicato passages, with a piano part patterned after de Falla's Spanish songs...This collection is a valuable repertoire and provides intermediate to advanced players with a set of exciting new alternatives to the standard works.--American String Teacher