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Item #1351012 Model #49002710

Schott Scale and Arpeggio Album (Cello) Schott Series Composed by R.V. Tabb Standard


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Contents: Major Scales in 2, 3 and 4 octaves, ascending and descending with the same fingering · Melodic Minor Scales in 2, 3 and 4 octaves · Harmonic Minor Scales in 2, 3 and 4 octaves, ascending and descending with the same fingering · Arpeggios of the major and minor common chords in 2, 3 and 4 octaves with the same fingering for both major and minor · Arpeggios on the Chord of the Dominant Seventh with their resolutions in 2, 3 and 4 octaves after the same fingering as the common chord arpeggio · Arpeggios on the Chord of the Diminished Seventh with their resolutions ascending and descending with the same fingering · Chromatic Scales · Major Scales in Sixths in 2 and 3 octaves · Melodic Minor Scales in Sixths in 2 and 3 octaves · Harmonic Minor Scales in Sixths in 2 and 3 octaves · Major Scales in Thirds in 2 and 3 octaves, ascending and descending with the same fingering · Melodic Minor Scales in Thirds in 2 and 3 octaves · Harmonic Minor Scales in Thirds in 2 and 3 octaves, ascending and descending with the same fingering.