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Item #1581822 Model #1172-50

Universal Audio Pure Plate Reverb - UADx and UAD-2 Plug-Ins (Mac/Windows) Standard


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UA’s renowned plate reverb modeling in an easy-to-use plug-in.
The Pure Plate Reverb plug-in from Universal Audio provides revolutionary plate reverb emulation in a simple package with all of the essential features. By harnessing the musical, deep, organic sound of this classic effect, Pure Plate Reverb gives you warmth and texture to your sources that only plate reverb can provide. Whether you’re tracking in real time using an Apollo interface, or mixing in your DAW, Pure Plate Reverb’s intuitive controls deliver musical results for beginners and pros alike. The ultra-effective Baxandall-type Bass and Treble controls sculpt the timbre of the reverb, while the Low Cut Hz input filters and Pre Delay further season the reverb’s character. Finally, the Balance control lets you place your “space” perfectly in the stereo spectrum. No matter the source, Pure Plate Reverb gives you the rich analog dimension and depth of an old-school plate reverb system.